Sunday, 13 August 2017

Animation 1 Wk 2+3 - Reflection on Exercises/Homework

Your second blog post is to reflect on one or more of the animation exercises done in class and in homework that have challenged you the most.  

While animating the flipbook from week 2, the most challenging part of the exercise was coming up with the concept. At first, I did simple thumbnails and character designs for the flipbook but I didn’t know where to place the camera for the scene and end up trashing the scene and moving on to a different idea. I ended up doing a simple transformation from a girl to a mutant creature and after getting the thumbnails ready, I split the flipbook in half leaving 50 leaves for each. I used one of them as a rough practice sketch for keys and in-between and once I was happy with the result, I copied it over the other flipbook so I don’t have to keep erasing a messing up the flipbook.  

 Another challenge in class was do a head turn of a character. What was challenging about was getting the nose right since there was no reference of the character and I ended up with a deformed nose. I did multiple attempts but all didn’t fit the character head turn. Also, I had trouble flipping the pages and ended up with creases and damaged paper.

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