Friday, 14 September 2018

3D Animation 2 - Advanced Bouncing Ball


Originally, I had chosen a Hand Ball and a Golf Ball for the animation. When given feedback in order to start my animation, I was told that both the handball and golf ball bounce very simpler and was suggested using a bowling ball with video reference.
While coming up with an idea for my animation, I simply wanted to just do a simple bouncing ball animation with the robot arm I made in first year as Rose suggested, however, when Rose said something along the lines of ‘… you can’t stop a light ball mid bouncing…’ and then I thought ‘well you can… you just need something to squash it.’ and then I had my story and asked Rose if I can animate it. I also wanted to add animation to both the robot arm as well as the camera so it shows both the impact and the reaction of the robot to show character.

Animating the Hand Ball

The issues I had when animating the handball, was how it stopped mid-air and basically made its own gravity. I was trying to make the impression that when the ball bounces mid-air, then next frame would be the bowling ball dropping down on top of it. It solve this issue, I made the arch in the graph for the hand ball while, on the bowling ball, made it drop while the hand ball was still making the arch. Since the audience does not see the ball inside, I thought this was not really an issue.

Animating the Bowling Ball

Using the video reference provided, I was able to get a good looking bowling ball animation, but, since the reference had a cloth as a surface for the bowling ball to drop, this made my animation not correct with the surface I’m working with. I only need to make it so the bowling ball rolled a little longer and stopped slower and smoother. Instead of simply making the bowling ball roll off the shot, I decided to challenge myself and see if I can recreate the bowling ball tilting, this was surprisingly the most frustrating as it kept looking incorrect.

All in all, although the animation looks a bit cartoony, I was happy with the final result of my animation. 

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