For the group project, we original had 3 members, me, Jiun
and Yoori. When coming up with the animation for the theme cooperation, our
main concern was come up with a concept that was simple and was 30 seconds
long. So, we all just said some random idea until we came up with a bunch of
letters spelling the word ‘cooperation’ as they are cooperating to save the
letter y and Jiun ordered some fridge magnets.
While coming up with the storyboard, Spencer came into our
group and we end up creating our own version of how the story world process and
choosing the shots that looked the best for that scene. In addition, we all
contributed on creating the design of each character. I designed C, P and E,
Jiun designed R, A and Y, Yoori designed OO and I and Spencer designed T, O and
N. Once we had our storyboard, me and Jiun started cleaning up the storyboard
using photoshop, Yoori used premiere pro to edit the storyboard to be 30
seconds and Spencer was supposed to make the character sheet on photoshop, but
he ended up not doing anything since he didn’t have access
on the computer, so Yoori ended up creating the character sheet.
During this week’s lesson, Spencer was not here and was not
replying to any technological form of communication, so we had Guy as a replacement.
Jiun was the one who designed the production plan and told us that she
will transfer the plan onto a website called ‘Trello’. Also, since the magnets
did not arrive this week, we decided to start animating the character’s eyes.
Me, Jiun and Yoori started animating the character’s eye to make them blink
while Guy, since he has no knowledge of the program photoshop, ended up making
the ‘Let’s Rescue’ sign for the film. I animated C, P, E, O, X and T eye’s
blinking animation, Yoori animated OO, I, N, Z and A, and finally Jiun animated Y and
For next week, we plan to start shooting the stop-motion and
then edit the images so the letter have eyes and finally, if we have time, add
voice recording and music.